Friday, November 4, 2011

YouTube, or Somebody Else's Tube?

If you read my post on TV yesterday, you know that I watch nothing regularly.  Looking at your comments (and THANK YOU VERY MUCH for participating - - feel free to continue to do so), if you're watching TV in the traditional sense, you're watching Sports or Drama with whatever regularity you choose.

Knowing that I watch little - to - nothing regularly, if we / I don’t watch much traditional tv programming, in traditional ways, what do we / I watch?

Other Stuff.  Other Stuff?!?!?!   Other Stuff.

Today I want to talk about online viewing, specifically, YouTube.  And I'll preface this, if it's not too late to do so, by saying that I've had two cups of coffee but would still not classify myself as "awake."

How many YouTube links did friends forward to you this week?  

I bet the description was "This is funny." or "This is cute."  or "This is highly motivational."  And then you clicked on it and laughed a little.  Or in the motivational situation, you quickly hit delete and moved on with your day :)

I watch Phillip DeFranco sometimes LINK.  He’s like John Stewart, but in under 10 minutes you get "Philled In."  And he's just about the only thing I’ll watch for more than 2 minutes, due to the fast edits and witty comments.  (“I just wanted to be more excited today.”)  Phil gets to the point (ok, many points) quickly.  And he has a monkey in his short opening sequence.  Can’t go wrong there.

I mentioned in yesterday's comments that I have zero patience for online video.  If you're going to try to make me watch a commercial before showing the content that I'm interested in, it better be a commercial that's about 5 seconds long.  Why?  Because that's the rough amount of time it takes me to realize that a commercial is loading, reach for my mouse, and close the window.

In the same sense, I completely avoided online video for years because it didn't load fast enough.  I could read 3 paragraphs before a video would start playing poorly.  Now that has changed, and as long as people don't muck up their content with garbage, I'll be patient enough for it to load.

Anyway, the title of this blahg:  YouTube or Somebody Else's Tube.  Are you watching other peoples content, or are you taking advantage of the opportunity to have your own channel?

Notice that I'm not putting channel in quotes.

If you don't have your own channel, you are missing out.  You are not taking advantage of a huge opportunity to display any side of your life to whomever you like.  At the moment it doesn't matter if you're late to the are not instantly going to get 78+ million channel views like Phillip DeFranco.

Why are you missing the opportunity?

Everyone has their reasons:  Video is hard.  Video is scary.  I look awful.  I have to wear makeup and put on a nice outfit.  I don't know what to say.  It won't be perfect.  It'll take too long.   It's too expensive.  I don't know where to start.  I tried it once and it didn't do anything for me.  Or the most ridiculous, My video didn't go viral like it was supposed to.

All of these "reasons" (quotes) resemble the exact same reasons why Tuesday's 'Reticent Bloggers' don't start their own blogs.  Don't they?  Right?

I don't really have a question to wrap things up today....because I'm sleepy and I really need to get moving for an 11:00 appointment.  So I'll be very upfront that I'm drafting this live as part of a series that I started drafting in August.  November's Blogarama is effective for me in this way!

I will say that, like blogging, the only hard part of video is finding the motivation to get started.

Next week I'll be in Portland Tuesday thru Thursday, and plan to do at least one video blog (with transcript) using my smartphone.  Because it does have a full 1080p HD camera.  

So I'll end today's post by simply saying C'mon people, what's getting in your way?

I am participating in a November blogesphere event over on Tuesdays With Deborah. November is National Novel Writing Month, so several of us have committed to blogging something like 100 words a day.  My apologies in advance.
Til tomorrows entry…

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