Thursday, January 12, 2012

3 common sense ways freelancers can save money

3 Ways Soloprenuers can SAVE MONEY

Saving money in business is common sense. Depending on the economy, saving money can also equal surviving.  Here are three things that ought to be a rehash of common sense.

(editor’s note: saving money does not directly correlate to making money)

It’s the middle of January. This week when I have asked fellow freelancers how business is, the response has been frightening and consistent: “It’s…weird right now.” My answer is the same.

So let’s save some money!

Gas and Toll Roads: Define your “qualified prospects,” and only meet with them face to face when there is going to be a high probability of a return on your investment of time and travel.
• How many of your face to face meetings are with qualified prospects?
• How many of your face to face meetings are not with qualified prospects? Rather, simply introductions?
     - How many of those could you easily meet with on the phone, skype, google talk, etc.?

How do you figure this out?
• Create a profile of the people and companies from whom you have generated the most revenue.
• Meet with these prospects face to face. Feel everyone else out.

When a new prospect objects because they’re a good ole boy that has to shake your hand before they can truly know you, invite them to your neck of the woods.

Web Video: Everyone knows web video is the greatest thing since hanger steak with green peppercorn sauce and steamed broccolini. Do you have a smartphone or web cam? Then you can do this yourself, update them regularly, etc. It will help both your pocketbook and your SEO.

Unless you have:
• Several hundred dollars burning a hole in your pocket, or
• A fragile ego,
there is no reason to NOT do this yourself. Get over yourself. Have sound. Have picture. It can really be that simple.

Don’t get me wrong, creating one “introduction” or “how to” video that goes everywhere is only going to help you. Regularly adding to your list of videos, basically video blogging, is going to do you a lot more good.  Take a risk, you glorious risk taking solopreneur bastard, try doing this yourself.

Like a new member of Deborah Drake’s Blogger Group said, “What’s the worst that could happen?”

(editor’s note: I personally do not video blog….because I already work in video all day long. For me it’s not a distraction or something new and shiny. I do type out a blog, because that is a fun distraction for me.)

Be Consistent: Without consistency, your investment of time and/or money holds no value.
• When you join an organization, association, networking group, BNI, or City Chamber, actually go to the meetings. Get involved. Especially if you’re paying dues!
     - Evaluate your memberships: are you getting face time with and/or introductions to qualified prospects? If so, great! If not, why are you there?

• If you’re blogging, video blogging, writing articles, doing any kind of online promotion of yourself, do it regularly. Few things are better for your SEO than creating new content on a regular basis. Few things will waste your time more than creating new content one time only, or creating new content occasionally.

• Get up in the morning, get caffeinated (I really enjoy Kroger drip TM), and get to work, daily.

As a video guy, if you need some help figuring out how to create your own web videos, I’ll be happy to help. If we schedule a time to meet over the phone it’s free. If we have to (cough, er, um, “get” to) shake hands, I’ll charge you (because I’m worth it...or maybe I’m born with it….either way, we’ll make it easy breezy beautiful).